Tuesday, June 7, 2011

For a Good Cause

I was recently approached by a reader to donate a few items to one of those "Art for Insert Cause Here" type events.* When I politely declined, since it was for a political cause I don't happen to support, I found myself being subjected to one of the most hateful, vituperative emails I've ever had the displeasure to read. What made it even more painful is that it was from someone I've corresponded with on a pretty regular basis in connection with propmaking and Lovecraft scholarship.

Things like that are why I never, ever bring up the subject of politics here.

I understand people are passionate about issues they care about. I'm very politically active and regularly contribute to causes and candidates I support. If you're so inclined you could probably dig up my history of donations, although I try to keep them all below the $200 Federal reporting threshold for privacy reasons. I love discussing politics, and there are a few regular readers with diametrically opposing views to mine that I've exchanged polite emails with on various subjects.

That said, I also think those kind of discussions don't have to be interjected into every single facet of life. There are a few websites I used to frequent on a daily basis that are now unreadable because they've become infested with true-believers. There is no shortage of sites devoted entirely to political discussion, but for reasons that escape me the most die-hard tribalists feel the need to not only slurp up the kool aid themselves, but relentlessly press anyone passing by to take a deep drink from the punchbowl.

There's an old tradition that gentlefolk refrain from discussing politics and religion in polite company. I think that's a pretty good rule to live by.**

*As an aside, what self-respecting political cause would want to have anything to do with my work? As entertaining as I, and by extension you, might find these things they're not exactly mainstream. Half rotted parasitic worms? Mummified body parts? Murderous cult fetishes? Sweet fancy Moses, I'm an attack ad just waiting to happen.

** At least until the end times. That's when I'll merrily try to convert you all to my cultish minions. If I'm lucky I'll be able to enjoy some some truly epic drunken debauchery featuring gallons of absinthe and dozens of scantily-clad goth chicks before the Dark Lord devours my soul. Oh, and I want to work an opium den in there somewhere. Come to think of it, I really just want to live like a pulp-era villain when the end of days rolls around. A sentimental traditionalist, that's me.


  1. Cthulhu 2012: Why vote for the lesser evil?

  2. I wish to join this cult - I can't resist the gothy girls

  3. Yeah I agree...if I read a blog on, say...ants, that purports to solely be about ants, I EXPECT to read about ants in a peaceful, nonpolitical environment. Whenever you start mentioning non-ant political stuff, my antennae twitch angrily and I contemplate plunging my formic-acid laced fangs into the flesh of the offending boor who just completely spoiled my ant-universe. The analogy works just as well with ichor-laced tentacles.

  4. Couldn't agree more Proppy.

    Nothing gets my blood pressure up or can spoil a good mood faster than politics. Political discussion in general have become so venomous lately that I avoid bringing it up at all costs outside of place like Fark.com, or if I'm talking to a friend whom I know shares my beliefs. And even then I keep it brief.

  5. Now that's a cult I could get behind. Sign me up!

  6. A sad but true thing.
    The thing that ticks me of most is that people who want something for a good cause turn into offending ignorants themselves.
    Oh, and being a pulp villain with a doomsday cult is probably the highest state of being a mere mortal can achieve. :-)

  7. Completely agree!

  8. Funny how good causes end up with acrimony and tears in the end. You are wise to steer clear of partisan causes no matter to what portal they are paved. All denizens are hereby commanded to be merry, on pain of death.


    Definition: Multiple blood/soul-sucking, unspeakable and deadly creatures gouped together in one area.

  10. "Half-rotted parasitic worms?"


    "Mummified body parts?"


    "Murderous cult fetishes?"

    The media?

    Sorry, I couldn't resist. It's probably not comment post worthy, but if it gave you a chuckle, my work is done. :D

  11. damn you. "sweet fancy moses, I'm an attack ad just waiting to happen" caused me to snort a beverage up my nose.

  12. "It's been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first."

  13. Fa' Pete's sake, how often has one of H.P. Lovecraft's characters broken into a rant, increasingly incoherent and interspersed by cursing in the Old Speech, before being interrupted by something obscene, outré, and outerdimensional, which drags him away to a doom unspeakable?

    And right after asking for a political donation too, you betcha!

    So probably this correspondent was only attempting a pastiche.

    And the screaming and crunching sounds presently coming from his direction.... merely added for realism. Please ignore those.
