Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Dread Mandragora

The very talented Phil Bolton crafted this reproduction of a classic Mandrake root. Browse the rest of his gallery and you'll find all kinds of interesting creepiness, and I mean that in the very best way.


  1. Really a nice artifact. I had planned to make such a model since a very long time, but sadly never accomplished to actually sculpt it.

  2. The Spanish Moss packing material is a nice touch.

  3. Gosh, I don't know what to say. I was going to e-mail a bunch of photos once I knew our esteemed host was feeling better. I had to rush to add captions to most of my shots.

    Oh, the Spanish Moss was my roomies idea. I was going to go with plain old paper packing material.

    I have to give many thanks to Propnomicon (and beg his forgiveness for stealing his 'Innsmouth fang' idea) who's provided endless inspiration and information since I discovered this place back in October. Checking out this blog is generally a highlight of my morning. I know I've got a lot left to learn. the least of which is learning to take better quality photos!

    If you're interested in more of my projects, there are also shots of my very first 'Thing in a Bottle' at http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2003-7/276900/2148495

    Thanks everyone for your kind words. Most of these builds are presents for good friends, so now I have to get cracking and make a few for myself! More photos to be added soon.

  4. I love this and I love how he did it - aside from the silk leaves >.<

    If he'd used a bunch of the dead leaves, I think the effect would have more punch - it doesn't seem like a prop that would get a lot of rough handling in any case. The silk leaves just look kind of... fake xD

  5. Well you've officially shamed me S. Don't know why it didn't occur to me that a plant tucked away in a box for nearly century would be brown and withered. So I've upgraded the little guy with dead leaves and uploaded pics to my gallery, along with some exterior shots. Better?

  6. Hi
    I love the root .
    I have been looking for ideas for making my own mandrake root .I found your post very interesting thanks for sharing
