Friday, January 21, 2011

They Bite

Carim Nahaboo brings us these outstanding bottled specimens. The creatures were sculpted out of Fimo polymer clay and colored with an ink wash.


  1. Good lord, these are amazing! They put my ham-fisted efforts to shame.

  2. Those are just awesome. I plan to make a bottled Deep One embryo sometime this year.

  3. Very nice, but polymer clay may have a limited life before it decomposes, especially in liquids.

    Consider using commercial white clay and getting it fired in a kiln to make it really permanent. The firing will cost you a bit, but the item will survive thousands of years.

  4. Those are great - I also want to do something similar this year, I bought a bunch of jars in a second hand shop and some clay just for this purpose!

    Also, the Word Verification thing was perfect, if weird - "slymi" :)
