Monday, August 9, 2010

Sanitarium Update

As of this morning the Arkham Sanitarium project is fully funded. Once again, my sincere thanks for making it happen.

Since the Kickstarter model is time based the project will continue to accept pledges until the funding period ends in two weeks. As of now everything in the original pledge description (patch, lapel pin, postcards, notebook) is ready to be sent off for production. Now I can start working on the lagniappe.


  1. Awesome... and amazing at the speed that it was fulfilled.

    Can't wait to get mine!

  2. @ josefk

    Thanks. I'm very humbled by the level of support the project has received.

    @ James Floyd Kelly

    I was actually worried that giving it just over two weeks wasn't going to be enough time. Now I can't wait for the clock to run out.

  3. Wow :-) ... I will let myself be surprised ...
