Thursday, August 26, 2010

From the Wasteland

After staring at period medical forms for hours last night I desperately needed a break. That's when I stumbled across these fantastically detailed props from the "Fallout 3" videogame created by Elvis Alexander.

They're certainly not Lovecraftian, but every time I see something like this I start thinking about doing an entire set of period food labels for the "At the Mountains of Madness" expedition.


  1. Don't forget your pemmican rations!

  2. I'd jump on that, friend! Plus, you've got all the photos from the actual huts with period cans and boxes still lying around.... You may have seen that the french editors of the nex version of BTMOM are making a collector crate with a flag and other stuff... I'll get one and send you pictures ;-)

  3. "every time I see something like this I start thinking about doing an entire set of period food labels for the "At the Mountains of Madness" expedition."

    that would be dead awesome.

  4. @ TOPO

    Tommy Poirier-Morissette of Cephalopod Productions has an excellent tutorial on making prop pemmican at:

    @ christian lehmann

    That just killed me when I saw the announcement. It demonstrates that there's a market for high-immersion and high-end products, but so far only the European publishers are serving it. I wish Chaosium could resolve all the issues with BTMOM so that we could feel a little love here in the states.

    That said, I can't wait to see your pictures.

    @ alex kaeda

    I keep putting together research material and resources for a massive ATMOM prop set and eventually I'll have to pull the trigger.

    Given the announcement about the movie I should probably start working on it sooner rather than later.

  5. I do hope you'll plunge ahead with a massive ATMOM prop-set. There certainly is a market for that, as the french experience has demonstrated. I think you have many European clients, and with a bit of advance warning, there are many good forums in France where I could post notice of your work, to ensure more fans!

  6. Awesome that someone else posted my props. I love the labels and paperwork here. Keep it up.
