Thursday, June 3, 2010

Arkham Sanitarium, Part Four

Raven sent over this variation that I think has some possibilities.

I'm going to ink the designs today, so I should have some close-to-final roughs either tonight or tomorrow. In a related note, my apologies if you've left a comment or sent an email that I haven't responded to yet. I should be caught up with everything before this afternoon.


  1. I love the central design. Just a personal opinion but I think it's the Copperplate that causes problems -- for a historically-based font it paradoxically looks too modern in that setting! Plenty of 20s (and earlier) used very plain sans or only-just serif fonts... Great work anyway.

  2. @ David Harrison

    I love the look of Copperplate, but I think it will look considerably better when I render it in line art form. The blocky, assertive nature of the font as it is now shouldn't be so overpowering in the final colored design.

  3. I love it... but (you knew there was a but)...

    It looks a little too stubby to me. I wonder what this current version would look like if you added maybe 1/2" in length below the "Sanitarium" and a 1/4" below the symbols?

  4. That is stunning in the contrasting sections of black and white. Looks like the back plate for a super-villain group.

  5. Try this one with an all white Psi.
