Friday, October 9, 2009

Of Unknown Origin

Artist Heather M. Morris created this bottled specimen .

One of the reasons I'm so enamored of this particular kind of prop is the effectiveness of the "thing in a bottle" technique. By altering the saturation of the fluid, the extent of the surface weathering, and the placement of the label you can control just how much of the specimen is visible, and in many cases the less you show the more intriguing it is.


  1. So pretty! I think I like the variety of having some delicate specimens, and some 'stuffed in the jar' types like this one. Looks like the wax seal distress is similar to Prop's.

  2. It's also a great project to do with kids.

    You will never find a more appreciative audience for the creation of horrible creatures covered in slime and filth.

  3. Love these specimen jars, I really need to get on and make some of my own for my shelves.
