Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Miskatonic Project Rolls On

First off, here's a scan of the pre-production proof of the Miskatonic University embroidered patch.

Both the patch and pin are just entering production, so it might be a bit of tight thing for them to make the original project deadline. The one thing working in my favor is that the factory making them is within driving distance of my house, so there won't be much of a delay getting them once they're done.

In other news, the print run for the Miskatonic notebooks finished yesterday and they're currently en route from the west coast. Delivery is scheduled for the 29th, but before then I expect to have a chance to show off the finished product. There was a last minute change in plans that I think you'll find interesting.


  1. Nice! As usual, you really nailed the spirit, as well as the look, of the prop.

  2. Now I have to start scouring the vintage clothes places for a letter jacket...

  3. Thank you all for the kind words. I think this project is going to be the best one yet, thanks primarily to all your input.
