Thursday, September 17, 2009

Miskatonic Moves On

The Miskatonic project is moving along, but I'm increasingly glad that I give these things a month to actually get done. The notebooks are already approved and being printed, but it wasn't until today that the pre-production samples for the patches and pins started getting made. Between production and shipping time the finished goods should arrive in time (cross my fingers) for the scheduled October date.

In the meantime I've been thinking about changing the way I do business a little bit. Since the first run of Antarctic patches last year I've always made things available on a Sunday and then spent the next week sending out packages every morning. For the Miskatonic project I'm going to try something different and make the full sets available on Saturday, October 3rd. That way I can spend both Saturday and Sunday taking the initial rush of orders and get everything in the mail Monday morning.

I'm also going to be fiddling around with my packaging. I've been using three different kinds of mailers to handle different items, but once I use up my current supply I'm going to switch to bubble envelopes for everything. The cardboard mailers were great when everything I sold could be packed flat, but since the lapel pins have become such a popular item I need something that can handle them without requiring excessive folding.

Truly, I lead a life of adventure and excitement. Who needs fiction when decisions about what kind of envelope to use can consume days of your life? Heh.

1 comment:

  1. The search for the perfect envelope can lead you down some dark and mysterious paths. I remember a time when a cult of wild-eyed youth, drugged and stimulated to a frothing, writhing mass of vengeance, chased me for miles after I stole the ancient Mailer of Tuk R'mal from a site in...

    But perhaps I've already said too much.
