Sunday, September 6, 2009

Machine Infernale

I wish I could find out more about this amazing infernal device posted to Flickr. It was a featured prop in a French LARP, but there doesn't seem to be anything available beyond that.


  1. Hi everyone.
    I'm one of the conceptor of this prop (from the French LARP association called Topik).
    We are very pleased to see our creation on your blog ;o)
    I can answered questions about this stuff if you have some ;o)

  2. Can you tell us a little bit about how it was built and how it fit into the LARP plot?

    It's a wonderful piece of work and I'd love to see more of it.

  3. Hi !
    For the front of the prop, it was built from many recovery stuff...
    A headboard for the "art nouveau" shape, an old cupboard, lamps, a beetle horn, old metalic switches, and, of course, metal, resin, wood, etc...
    In the backstage, there's a computer that control light and sound and even a coffee and smoke machine for the steam ;o)

    It was made for two LARP's games. One in the 20's (It was used as a revolutionnary mad's machine, that can produce earthquakes ! It was prepared with pyritechnical effects that can create the illusion that the machine explode, electric sparkles, stream's jet, etc...).
    The second one was a Steampunk larp's game, this machine take place in a complete decor that act has an hexagonal macanical and steam library... 3 wall was full of of books, 2 walls had lots of littles brass riveted doors, and one wall with the machine itself... Players can used the machine to ask for a particular document, and after using it, the document was "blowed out" by an radom brass door...

    You can watch the first used of the machine on this video (min 4'03) :
