Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Cheap Casting

The always inventive Dave Lowe has a fantastic tutorial up on molding and casting the cheap and easy way.

Here's a cheap, easy and I think, fun way to mold and cast small details with stuff you might already have around the house or find in any craft and hardware store. This method is not for those hoping to make perfect copies, but for those okay with slightly flawed details on a prop. For me it works, the aged and worn feel is perfect for Halloween. It's also a painless rookie introduction to molding and casting. Know that there will be trial and error doing this. It's just one of those things. You'll make a few screwed up ones. The good news is, it's so simple and easy that the results of your efforts are seen in minutes and just as quickly re-done if needed.

This is a perfect technique for creating props like amulets, tablets, and engravings. It's not only absurdly cheap, but with a little creativity you can use items from around the house to form your master pattern in the mold.


  1. That's such a good idea! I'm totally going to use that when I need a lot of something simple.

  2. Mr. Lowe is the king of inexpensive, yet effective propmaking techniques.
