Sunday, August 30, 2009

Arkham Postmark

Continuing on with the postage theme, here's a handy postmark for your letters. Just click through for the high resolution version.

Most printers should be able to handle printing this on an envelope or postcard with postage already affixed by using the normal envelope feed.

On a related note, if anyone with experience creating PDF's is reading this I could use some help. I think this graphic could be adapted for a PDF with data fields, making it infinitely customizable for whatever date a particular prop document needs. If you have any tips for doing that I'd appreciate any assistance you could provide. A postmark generator would be an extremely handy doodad.


  1. Both this and your previous stamp project have proven amazingly useful to something I'm working on right now. If you keep reading my mind like this, I'll have my project done in no time!

  2. Hey - remember me? :P

    If you have a font/typeface that you're using for the date (as opposed to it being a bitmap or a vector shape) this is fairly simple to achieve. (If not, I think it can still be done - it's just a bit more labor intensive.)

    If you want, drop me a line and I'll help you out...

  3. What font is it that you are using for the City/State/Date, please?

  4. &Pnakotus

    Myriad Pro, one of the defaults in Adobe Illustrator. It's pretty close to the font used in period postmarks from Boston as well as being easy to imbed.

  5. Did the postmark generator doodad ever come about?
