Wednesday, November 2, 2016

In Transit

Things may be a bit spotty over the next few days.  I'm in the middle of moving and it's starting to sink in just how much...stuff...I've accumulated.

Right now I'm seriously regretting my decision to collect vintage encyclopedias.  On the bright side, I'm going to have forearms like Popeye by the time I'm done re-shelving everything.


  1. Remember to lift with your knees and wear a back support when moving heavy things. Books included.

  2. Good luck with moving! It's always a lot of work...

  3. I feel your pain. I'm doing the same. I've moved three times in two years! That's why I haven't posted in a year or two. I've got a huge prop set finished except for the trunk it goes in and that's "nearing" completion.
