Friday, November 11, 2016

Cthulhu Crusades

"Cthulhu Crusades" is a new card-based building game currently up on Kickstarter.  There's a lot to like about the project.  That includes the historical mythos art of Robert Altbauer, who's no stranger to these pages.  His illustrations based on the Bayeux Tapestry are at the heart of the game, filling the tarot deck/game cards.

The extras are equally high quality, featuring an Altar to Dagon/deck box and Cthulhu idol sculpted by the gifted Daniel Ritthanondh.

The icing on the cake is the involvement of Alberto Cano of the Cthulhu Project.  He has a long history of successfully shepherding projects through Kickstarter and making sure everyone gets what they were promised.   That's no small thing given the unfortunate history of failed Kickstarters run by less experienced organizers.  Given all that I think it's a project worthy of your support.


  1. Ne-CRON-oma-con? I mean that's like the *one* Lovecraftian term where the pronunciation is east to figure out…

  2. the card box, I see this as a desk. a commanding desk in some executives office where the employees fear the man. yes yes, I see my winter project unfolding before my very eyes!
